Welcome to the Calvacade of Magic Presented By Kirk Kirkham
My Father was the Magician known professionally as Kirk Kirkham, his real name was Charles and many folks called him Chuck. He lived from 1926 to 2001. He was an active professional performer from the time he was sixteen years old. Magic was the only living he ever had. He toured with the USO after World War II, did the spook show circuit and television extensively in the 1950's, did thousands of club dates, school shows, and more television in the 60's, continued performing in the 70's but also became a well regarded prop maker who produced equipment for other magicians and attractions around the country.
Currently, David Copperfield has the largest private collection of illusions in the world, but prior to his success and collection, my father may very well have been the previous holder of that title. He owned parts of Thurston's Wonder Show of the Universe and Mysteries of India. He acquired much of the core of his collection from Will Rock back in the early 50's but continued to add to it the rest of his life. He knew and worked with Harry Blackstone Sr., Percy Abbot was a mentor to him. Dante was a personal friend, and he owned famous illusions that belonged to all of them.
My goal is to keep his legacy alive here in cyber space, and provide some historical context to the Southern California Magic scene in the 60's and 70's. I have had virtually no contact with the Magic world since my Mother passed away in 1994. My Dad suffered from Alzheimer's in his last years and he could not write the book that he always said he would get to someday. I don't know enough about magic to write competently concerning history, practice and technique. I can however provide an historical context for my Father, a man who knew almost everything about magic during the 20th Century. He had a huge library, subscribed to dozens of magazines, and had met every important magician of the second half of the century. He was consulted by many of the experts that now make up the intelligentsia of the magic community. He was also a mentor to many fine magicians and scholars of magic. I hope to hear from some of those people as a result of this blog.
Welcome to the Magical World of Kirk Kirkham.
Currently, David Copperfield has the largest private collection of illusions in the world, but prior to his success and collection, my father may very well have been the previous holder of that title. He owned parts of Thurston's Wonder Show of the Universe and Mysteries of India. He acquired much of the core of his collection from Will Rock back in the early 50's but continued to add to it the rest of his life. He knew and worked with Harry Blackstone Sr., Percy Abbot was a mentor to him. Dante was a personal friend, and he owned famous illusions that belonged to all of them.
My goal is to keep his legacy alive here in cyber space, and provide some historical context to the Southern California Magic scene in the 60's and 70's. I have had virtually no contact with the Magic world since my Mother passed away in 1994. My Dad suffered from Alzheimer's in his last years and he could not write the book that he always said he would get to someday. I don't know enough about magic to write competently concerning history, practice and technique. I can however provide an historical context for my Father, a man who knew almost everything about magic during the 20th Century. He had a huge library, subscribed to dozens of magazines, and had met every important magician of the second half of the century. He was consulted by many of the experts that now make up the intelligentsia of the magic community. He was also a mentor to many fine magicians and scholars of magic. I hope to hear from some of those people as a result of this blog.
Welcome to the Magical World of Kirk Kirkham.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Side Show Spiders
From 1972 till about 1980, my Father's workshop was a set of garages he rented in the back of a duplex in Pasadena. It was located on Walnut in Pasadena and it was right next door to Pooh Bah records which was in a house on the corner at the time. This is a Spider Girl Prop that was built for a circus attraction. There was a fellow named Jimmy Dixon, who purchased a few props from us at the time, I think this went to him, be had a small circus with animals and a tent, and this may have been for the side show that most circuses of those days offered to patrons on the mid-way. As you can see, we did not have a Spider Girl but we did have a Spider man and Spider Boy. My brothers Chris and Kirk both posed in the prop which makes it around 1972 or 1973 when we built it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Crystal Casket 1970/Net Vanish
This was a beautiful prop my Father made in the garage at the house we rented on Pine Valley Drive in Alhambra. The two years we lived there were very busy times in his career. We did The IBM Convention, Built the Portable stage he used in the shopping center shows, created a Santa Illusion for Kids to see Santa at the North Pole, and he and my older brother Chris ran away with the Circus for several months. This shot is taken on the driveway of the house. Our neighbor to the north was the busybody who called the cops every time he ran any machinery. Technically, all you are supposed to do in the garage is park your car. So he moved all of his project out on the drive-way to work. It made more noise and irritated the neighbor lady even more. I'm sure she was glad we did not buy the house. I think this prop was traded with a guy named Don Nordoff. He was the ringmaster of the circus and he had several props my Dad wanted for some shows, including a light bulb suspension that he improved immeasurably.
This shot is of a Net Vanish that he built for a magician named Peter Reveen. The traditional vanish is done on a large stage in front of a curtain. This was designed to be done where there was no Fly Gallery but there was still a backdrop. This shot is taken on the same driveway above from a slightly different angle. That is my younger brother Kirk with Dad in the picture (Yes, my parents used his stage name to name my little brother). You can also see our Australian Shepard "Blue" on the stair platform on the left.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Haunted House of Mystery
Here is a promotional flyer for an attraction that my dad was doing when he first came out to California. It is really pretty clever. On the front is a drawing of a spooky house.
When you open the flyer it actually pops up the point of the roof so the interior is twice the size of the cover. Here you will find pictures and a little more description of what the effect entails.
On the back is contact information and some more description. My parents were headquartered out of my Grandparents house in South Pasadena, so that was the contact info. No cell phone or web sites in those days. I wonder how many times my Grandmother must have answered questions about a Haunted House.
The art work was clearly done by my Mother, she had a great talent for this kind of thing. She had been the main Window Dresser at Jacobsons Department store in Battle Creek before they got married. I think I have the actual typewriter that this was prepared with. The lettering is very familiar. I have no idea what happened to the prop.

On the back is contact information and some more description. My parents were headquartered out of my Grandparents house in South Pasadena, so that was the contact info. No cell phone or web sites in those days. I wonder how many times my Grandmother must have answered questions about a Haunted House.
The art work was clearly done by my Mother, she had a great talent for this kind of thing. She had been the main Window Dresser at Jacobsons Department store in Battle Creek before they got married. I think I have the actual typewriter that this was prepared with. The lettering is very familiar. I have no idea what happened to the prop.
David Avedon Custom Prop
I don't know what the figure on the bench was supposed to represent. David had a very artistic approach to things and there may have been some narrative or pantomime involved. I never saw the final product in his act, but I know that the effect worked flawlessly and very smoothly. With one simple movement the bench transforms visibly into the trunk that the magician can sit on or cart off stage. I think you could also open it so maybe the figure ends up inside of the box.
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