My Dad had hundreds of posters and pictures at one time of classic
vaudevillian magicians. He acquired some of them with his purchase of
part of the Thurston show from Magician Will Rock. Other items he
managed to buy at actions or get from friends. Here are some of those
photos that were large sized so the could be displayed in the lobbies of
the theaters where the magicians performed.

These first two are the older pair, they may have been from the Thurston show but they seem to focus in an Indian themed section. I wish I could say for sure, It does not look like Howard Thurston in any of the images, it may be some other performers relics. This is my younger brother Kirk, standing with the photos circa 1985.
These two photos I know feature Dante. He was a personal friend of my Dad's and they may have come from his ranch out in the Valley in what is now Northridge. None of these is in my possession today. They were all sold to private collectors at one point or another. I especially liked the last photo featuring Dante's magic words (and the name for his show) Sim Sala Bim. I had to move it out of the way everytime we went to the garages my Dad rented for years in South Pasadena.