Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Will Rock Treasure Trove

I went through a notebook/photo album that belonged to my father and I found a series of photos of Will Rock.  He is the magician who purchased several lots of Thurston's illusions after Howard Thurston passed away. There has been some controversy as to the provenience of some of those illusions, but Mr, Rock was firm in his stories over the years and he was a well established national performer.

Here are two publicity shots of Will Rock and his wife Ruth. Their daughter collaborated on a book about his life. If you are interested after seeing these pictures, I think you can order it here.

This is the front and back of a souvenir card that patrons received at a performance of his full evening spectacular.

Several illusions that my father owned for years are featured in the photos in this next section.

Some promotional material for the Will Rock show.

A review of one of the Rock Theatrical Productions