Friday, January 7, 2022

Pick Pocket Routine


This is a link to the Magicana site that hosts a number of videos and other materials. This looks like it was from the mid 80s, I think it was a Canadian Television Program. 

I believe this is a short version of Dad's Pickpocket routine. I have a vague recollection that it ran closer to 15-20 minutes, but I could be wrong. I do remember that he did the Pickpocket act at one of my Boy Scout Dinners. That was extra special because the father of two of my Troop members was an FBI agent and Pop used him in the act, and did dome extra business about his credentials. 

Somewhere I have a flyer advertising the "Komedy King of Pickpockets" , when I find it, I will scan the image and add it to this post.